Thursday, April 7

The Top 9 Perform!

So, results... Naima and Thia are gone,,,, phew.

Let's get to last night. I didn't live blog, was feeling a little under the weather, plus my hubs was hogging the laptop. The theme

Rock'N'Roll!!! Let me repeat, that no one performed awful. So if I'm harsh, it's because someone has got to go....

  • Jacob Lusk - Man in the Mirror- Hated it! Hate watching him perform. Something about the white suit, and sneakers that reminded me of a male nurse. When he starts moving on stage he is just too dang bouncy,, Ug. Can't handle it.
  • Haley Reinhart - Piece of My Heart - Loved it! She really wailed up on this thing and showed she's got some dirt behind that voice of hers. I would like to see her in less high of a heal so that she could really move around that stage without fear of breaking an ankle. Maybe Less smiley when she sings??
  • Casey Abrams - Have you ever seen the rain? - This guy is sooooo good. I mean a Bass, for reals? He sorta reminds me of a Counting Crows - ish type of sound. Like I've said before, this dude is pure music.
  • Lauren Alaina- Natural Woman- I still feel like she is a pageantry singer. Is she really singing from her soul,, or is it just all too staged. She has the pipes, but it's her immaturity that is killing me.
  • James Durbin - While My Guitar Gently Weeps - And then James gently weeps, I thought the tears were a little too much. He did a good job. In fact, I told my husband before he performed that he needed to tone it down this week. Glad he took my, if we compare him to a former rocker with a wailing voice, Adam Lambert, James' softer performances are nothing to compare. So there. (think Mad World)
  • Scotty McCreery - That's Alright - Haha. J Lo asks him if he watches rap and hip hop! I was thinking the same thing with his little arm motions. But, he never sings bad, he's always on! He should be safe.
  • Pia Toscano - River Deep, Mountain High - So, I must say, that she thinks she's singing an upbeat song and changing things up by moving down the stairs and such, BUT SHE IS NOT! She is still strolling around the stage like it's a Sunday afternoon. I SOOOOO agree with J LO. She needs to get into it, not just move her arms up and down a few times more during the 2 minute performance. She had to lose her mind and body during that song.. I mean go watch Tina Turner perform this and slay this. Even Celine Dion goes a little nuts during her faster paced songs. I just want Pia to stop bending her knees together and then moving one hip out... jump up and down and make me feel it. Mary J is another good one who really goes into the song. OK... are you listening Pia??????
  • Stefano Langone - When a Man Loves a Woman- He might just be done tonight. Not that it was bad, but he doesn't really stand out as much as the others, plus he's been in the bottom 3 before. I'm not sure his fan base is growing week to week.
  • Paul McDonald - Folsom Prison Blues - He's such a weird skinny gangly creature! I thought this was a fun one and loved him playing the guitar. He would be fun to see live I think. I hope he's safe, cause I like watching him perform.
I thought the whole night was enjoyable and fun to watch,,,each kid did a real good job, so this was hard putting them in any order,, but for now, based on last night's performances,, we have the order:

  1.  Paul McDonald
  2. Casey Abrams
  3. Scotty McCreery
  4. Haley Reinhart
  5. James Durbin
  6. Pia Toscano
  7. Lauren Alaina
  8. Stefano Langone
  9. Jacob Lusk
Constantine is set to perform tonight... oh boy! Remember his Bohemian Rhapsody and his longing looks into the camera?  haha.  If anyone goes home before Stefano or Jacob I'll be pissed. Just so ya'll know that,,,


Becky said...

Paul was my favorite of the night! Finally, some volume from him! Stefano needs to go. I wouldn't be at all sad if Jacob left, but I'm not getting my hopes up because he's never been in the bottom and the judges love him.

I think Haley is becoming my favorite! I think Lauren has a beautiful voice, but it doesn't seem as real. And Pia is boring!

I didn't think James was very good last night. Scotty might win this whole thing!

Kimberly Porter said...

I just think it's crazy how close the competition this year. Fans are all over the's really fun to not be able to predict what's going to happen (and the safe is gone...yay!) Here's my list based on last night's performances (differs from yours quite a bit):

1. Pia
2. Scotty
3. Jacob
4. James
5. Casey
6. Paul
7. Haley
8. Lauren
9. Stephano

Not a big fan of Haley...I think it's her personality that bugs. Same with Lauren. But Stephano doesn't stand out, like you said. Can't wait for the results! Yay for Constantine. Looking forward to seeing him!

And for the record, I'd be OK if Jacob left. I just liked him last night...