Thursday, February 26

Our 2nd top 3

Well, I'm not too happy tonight people. What happened???

I'll tell you what happened. A bunch of little girls voted for who was cuter that's what happened. Grrrr. Tonight we had the ceremonial moment of suspense and fingernail biting, as usual. Well obvious choices were booted, but I wasn't too sure about Megan vs. Kris. And Kris prevailed and poor Megan Corkrey we see no more. I'm so looking forward to this wild card round, because I see there from this group, Megan and Matt Giraud.

Just like last week they put the nutcase with the top choice, just to add that extra, hmmm,?, to the equation. I was pretty sure there were more Adam fans than Idol haters, but still.... you know?? Had to make sure, and our Adam was safe. So, next Tuesday we have our final 12 perform including the blind guy, the Puerto Rican guy, the black guy Ju'not, the blonde barbie doll named Kendall, the black chic named Lil, and that freak of nature Nathaniel who was the drama queen during hollywood week. This should be highly entertaining.... to say the least.

Here it is folks!

What a crazy performace. I loved it!

Wednesday, February 25

Second Round - of 12

Holy Moly Guacamole!!!! Can anyone sing and perform in this year's 36???? Seriously, what happened to all the gushing and wushing over the contestant's this year. They are so mediocre and just blah that I can barely stand it. Every time someone new went to the mic I was hoping they could resurrect the show last night, and it just didn't happen until I heard #5, #7, and #12!! Let's discuss.

1. This little clown, Norman Gentle, reminds me of Jerry Lewis a little. His antics are comical and he is entertaining, he makes me want to watch to see what he will do next on stage. Will he advance, let's hope not. This is not the competition for him, but he does belong on a stage somewhere.
2. Mishavonna Henson was pretty good. She wasn't top caliber, nor does she deserve a spot on the top 12, but she wasn't that bad. A pretty safe song choice, Train's Drops of Jupiter.
3. From what I've seen from him this far in the season, Matt Giraud disappointed me by singing Viva La Vida. He's been the type to sing Bluesy type numbers, and this was just too pop. Plus it's a hard song to sing I think. So I don't think he's going to make it tonight.

4. First off, Matt Breitzke needs to shave his moustache off his lip. It's so ugly. Secondly, I love the song he sang tonight. (Tonic - If you could only see), but he didn't sing it with any gusto or umph. It was so so for me. He's kind of awkward on stage too.

5. Now we can start the show. Allison Iraheta was very powerful, very poised, and so incredible for I think 17 year old. What?? So awesome. She sang a dang hard song too, Heart's... "How can I get you alone." I even have a hard time singing this one,,well,, in the shower. She was really good. I hope she makes it through to the next round. She reminded me of Kelly Clarkson a little.

6. Kris Allen - Now who again is this? We've never seen him before. He was just awright for me. He sang Man in the mirror and it just was not what I pictured him singing. He's def not going through.
7. Yipee, our cute little Utah girl Megan Joy Corkrey sang a song that was just perfect for her. She really is cute and has an unusual tone. She did a little dance jig by twisting her hips a bit, I got sick of that, but she is fun to watch and listen to. She's in top 3.
8. Kai Kalama did nothing to make himself stand out tonight. Horrible song, "what becomes of the broken hearted",,,,, I hate that song. It's so boring and even though it's on the radio and we can all hum to it's tune, it's just not that good of a song. He was alright, he looked a bit whiny while singing.
9. Jessica Langseth sang Bette Davis Eyes and she really has a good voice, but maybe she just doesn't have the star quality or something. I actually liked her song and performance, which is sad, because I know she won't make it through.

10. Jeanine Vailes was wretched. Who sings Maroon 5 for a singing competition. But she just delivered it horribly off key and I just felt uncomfortable watching her sing. We haven't even seen that much of her either. She's out.

11. Jasmine Murray disappointed me tonight. I sooo wanted her to do a good job because she is such a mature and confident teenager who has a great voice. Did the pressure cook her? I think so. She sang 'Love Song' which was bad for her. I would have loved to have heard something more R&B from her because she does have the attitude and voice to pull if off. Like an Arethra song or something. Alicia Keys? I don't know, too bad. I liked her. Maybe the wild card round.

12. Adam Lambert how I love you so. Let me count the ways,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Can this dude do it? Is he my pick for being in the finals!!! YES!!!!!!!! I could not get over this performance. Rolling Stone's 'Satisfaction' was the song and my goodness gracious did he sing it to the freaking death. He killed it!!! He is a little drama at the beginning, but it works, in small doses. That last note was off the hook and so freaking amazing. The note was above a C and for sure super hard for even professionals to hit. Are you all dying over him?? I seriously was just blown away..... I've never seen another contestant even attempt that last note, and he owned it!
Ryan Secrest even said that there was a little Edward Cullen in him, which I'm sure will now turn all the teens goo goo over him even more.
So with that being said, Tonights winners are Adam Lambert, Megan Corkrey, and Allison Iraheta.... Cross our fingers.

Wednesday, February 18

Our first top 3!

What a crazy show. I am not sure I'm digging this new format of eliminating 9 people....?? Maybe I am.

Pro's - these 3 can now get down to business and feel secure that they are now on the big stage. They have 2 weeks off to prepare. It's over and done with, we move on. We don't have to listen to the crappy ones week after week.

Con's - The weaker, but not weakest, contestants do not get a chance to redeem themselves and learn and grow from week to week. We don't get to keep our favorites in to hear more from them and to become fans.

Generally I liked dumping off the really bad ones one by one, and then getting America to enjoy more of the better ones. I don't know about this, what do we think? Oh, and it's the top girl vote and the top boy vote,, then the next in line. I am not sure it should go by gender, shouldn't it just be who is the better talent?

That being said, were there any surprises?? We all knew that my little blonde pink haired girl would be there. We all knew that Danny Gokey would be there, but then American Idol had to be all tricky and put Tatiana up there against him as the last two people in question. The suspense, the drama! I could just see the biggest upset in the world and I told my husband if Tatiana goes through I'm kicking this television screen right in the face. He reassured me that there weren't enough haters to vote her through then there were fans of Danny's. He was right, and I still have a TV. (thankfully)

Anoop vs. Michael Starver (oil rig) . Now this was tricky. I liked them both. Didn't like their performances yesterday so I had to base it on what I had previously seen of them. Dang. We now have Michael in the top 3 and yes, I am happy, but I feel bad for Anoop who was indeed good too.

Now, American Idol producers are no dummies ( well mostly they are, but on this?) How did they put the contestants in each group? They knew they wanted the best in the top 12, so I figured they probably split up their favorites into each group and put the most horrible in 3 groups as well. So from that little observation, next week I'm thinking the favorites will be Adam Lambert, Jasmine Murray, and that piano guy with the black vest on, or hey what a minute, that Megan Corkery is in that group too and we haven't heard jack from her, but Simon loved her..... hmmmmm.. Next week will be very important, so don't forget to vote.

Did we love the impromptu visit from Carly Smithson and Michael (can't remember, Australian) from last year's show? I thought they did great! They were two of my favorites last year! OK... great show!

Next week Ryan tells me it's on Wednesday and Thursday.... why can't they just stick to their schedule... grrr.

Tuesday, February 17

Time to Vote - first group of 12

Holy Moly - How did these people make it to the top 36? Honestly, only like 4 or 5 that I could handle watching again. I'm blaming it mostly that it was their first time on Live television and it's the first night of performing for votes, but sheesh, get it together people! This was their chance and so many blew it. Let's discuss.

Stevie Wright - Can we say that you are in waaayyyyy over your head. She went with a Taylor Swift song that was so giddy and teenagery it was reminiscant of "Tiffany" at the mall when I was in 4th grade. Hated the outfit, couldn't sing the lower range, and was a horrible song choice. I felt bad for her because she is so young and I knew the judges were going to tear her apart. She is over,,, she should come back in 10 years. It was so high school musical, without any talent. Gag.

Now, we we have the infamous Tatiana del Toro. We all know her as the drama queen, annoying laugh girl, or the one who can sing so you just want to punch her. I hate to admit it, but she sang well tonight. When they announced she would be singing a Whitney Houston song I just thought, "good luck." Well the girl has some pipes and she was really weird on stage. She didn't say a word, stood there and didn't smile much. Even the judges were like, um, where's Tatiana? She mentioned that she is generally not like what we saw last week. I don't know if she's sticking around, but she can sing.

The judges mystified me when they put Stephen through. He screwed up his song twice in Hollywood and eventually walked off stage when he couldn't remember the words. So, how would he do tonight? He sang Rock with you by Michael Jackson. Corny and just bad. I guess he needs his piano? But I don't know if he'll get that chance.

Now, this girl knows who she is, and it's an ADD/HD spaz on stage with a screechy voice. Is she fun? - sometimes. Can she sing? - I just don't know yet. Crazy outfit,,, I just don't like the sneakers. She's entertaining regardless. She sang an Elvis song and it didn't go too well.

Danny Gokey is one who we all know can sing. He'll for sure make it through to the next round. I'm just not sure of his song choice. Mariah Carey's "Hero" is just kind of a cheesy feel good song. I want to hear something more raw from him. The guy does sing with emotion, and I love it.

Now this guy I'm not sure I've ever heard before. Ricky Braddy can definitely sing, but like Simon said, there is no stage or star presence up there for me. The judges were all goo goo over him, except Simon, but we'll see if we get more from him.

My oil rig guy sorta disappointed me tonight. It was an alright song, but I don't think it suited him. I want more soulful songs from him instead of rock. I really love that song by Gavin deGraw, but just not him. I hope he makes it through. Yes, he is kind of boring, but I just want him to do well.

Anoop Desai is a funny character. He's so not what you expect. He sang Monica's "Angel of Mine" and it was just alright. He has a great quality and tone to his voice. It seems he has a big fan base already, so I hope he goes through.

This chic was the absolute worst thing of my life. Can you believe this?? Can you believe you were watching this,, this whole minute and a half of wretched wretched disasterous acting/singing?
She winked at the camera twice, stroked her neck for the part in the song "everything you do just turns me on", and oh my, she sang a Police song for her first performance?? She was horrible!!!!! The judges were harsh and rightfully so. Please America do not make me watch her again!
Brent Keith, I wasn't feelin' ya. The song "Hicktown" was just a little too bland and blah for me. He has potential, but it was just so monotonous. The last 10 seconds he threw in some riffs, but it won't be enough to save him. I think the road ends here.

um, hello?? Where did this little shorty blondy come from? I don't remember seeing much of her before this, but she nailed it. Not too showman-y, not too sexy, just raw voice talent. She sang Arethra Franklin and did it pretty well. Simon said she could be the dark horse in this competition which I agreed with.

This Anne-Marie character tried to sing "Natural Woman" and did ok. She tried, and tried real hard, but it may not be enough to save her. I like her too, but just not singing this song. I could see her in a certain niche though, I hope she makes it through so she can improve and find that song that will make her stand out.

Well tonight's results ought to be interesting. I like how they're doing it this year by the way. It's always good to switch things up.

Wednesday, February 11

Top 36

Sheesh, what a crazy 2 hour night.

First off, I missed the opening 5 minutes due to traffic. Then I didn't know it was a 2 hour episode. So around 8:05 I told my husband to check and see if it was still on, because we were recording it to avoid the commercials, and he 'did' and pushed stop on the VCR (I know,,, who has one still?) 10 minutes later we went to go watch it and were so disappointed when it was still on. So I have no idea what I missed there.. GRrrrrrr. Oh well. So what did we all think about the results? Well let's discuss.

There were some shocks, some obvious choices, and some really annoying choices.
  • Apparently this Anoop Desai guy can sing. I've only seen bits and pieces. But what I've seen is different, which I like.
  • Von Smith- don't like him. I don't like watching him sing. His hair bugs me and something about his mouth and nose when he sings. He won't make it.
  • Alexander Wagner-Trugman - what is up with that name? He had to do a sing off with the little weirdo kid. He's a much better singer, but again, I just don't like his facials.
  • Adam Lambert- I like him. But after hearing his montage of auditions, I fear his really high voice may start to annoy me. He's definitely a performer. Regardless, he's got a fan base most likely.
  • Taylor Vaifanua- I know she can sing, but I haven't really heard a whole performance. I'll have to see more of the girl from Hurricane.
  • Jasmine Murray - was a total obvious pick, in fact they didn't even show much of her this week. Just a cute girl. I want her to be awesome!
  • Arianna Afsar - no clue who this is.
  • Casey Nelson- again no clue.
  • Megan Corkery- oh good, we saw her for like 5 seconds tonight. Is anyone else wondering why we haven't heard her sing for 2 weeks?
  • Mishavonna Henson - these two girls, (below) look like to me they will be known as the brown haired girls.
  • Stevie Wright -
  • Joanna Paccitti - Alright. I am bugged by this choice. She totally messed up her words in almost all of her songs, she's been here before, has had labels........ Maybe she didn't make it in the business the first go around, she couldn't hack it, or whatever. That should be it, right? Give someone else a try who hasn't been here before.
  • Kendal Beard- just another cute blonde. Nothing too exciting.
  • Kristen McNamara had a sing off with another blonde who I have never seen. She was obviously the better singer, by far. But like Paula said, she does have a style that is 'put off'... I am sure she will work on that the time the Live stuff starts. She can sing.
  • Alexis Grace - I'm so sick of people putting funky color in their hair, especially pink. Anyways, she has a good talent.
  • Scott McIntyre - the blind guy is through. But can we really see him up there during the likes of,,,, let's say,,, Gloria Estefan week?
  • Lil Rounds - what is up with this name? She's alright.
  • Jessica Langseth wins a sing off against Frankie Jordan. I liked Frankie better, but she sang a horrible song for her last chance, and Jessica was clearly the better singer. Too bad.
  • Alison Iraheta is way young, 16, looks 26.... Kids these days! Interesting voice, she won't be able to hit the high notes, too scratchy.
  • Danny Gokey - shoe in. Love him.
  • Ricky Braddy- no clue
  • Junot Jyner - I liked his style.
  • Matt Giraud is a total piano dude. Totally.
  • Jorge Junez - he just makes me want to smile. He's always smiling.
  • Brent Keith - the total country boy with a wife with a perm, her hair looks like mine did in 7th grade.
  • Stephen Fowler - Can NOT believe they put him through after he screwed up on his song twice, then walked off stage. They must really think he needs to be here.
  • Nick Mitchel, Norman Gentle???? I still don't know what's going on here. But Nick needs Norman to perform. Nick is just ordinary without Norman... completely. I wonder how this will pan out, because the judges wanted him to continue the Norman Gentle persona. Very bizarre... and I don't think Simon will ever take him seriously. Seriously. He can't win.
  • Jackie Tohn I'm really starting to like. They showed her final performance with her playing the guitar and I actually really liked it. She's a happy fun person, and she's not overly annoying. Keep an eye on her.
  • Tatianna del Toro can I say what the hell?? I AM SO ANNOYED AT THE JUDGES. We totally know she is not going to win over any voters. She is overly dramatic and loud and obnoxious and annoying and screaching. She can sing, I'll admit, but really?? and that dance and gold sequin dress she wore in the final seconds of the show... I wanted to punch the TV screen! This is what I call the ratings factor and water cooler discussion contestant.
  • Then we have Nathaniel Mitchell who again is just as annoying and just as hideous. What is he wearing? He looks like a blown up candy cane!! I am going to date myself here, but what is up with guys wearing skin tight pants on their butts and then the skin- tight white t? Horrible Horrible fashion. and the head bands? and the piercings? Nope, not happening. Good luck, he's going to be balling next week when he's booted.
  • Jeanine Vailes - sorry girl, never even seen ya before.
  • Kai Kalama- he just looks like a really decent person with a good spirit. I can't remember his voice though, that could be a problem.
  • Anne - Marie Boskovich - she just does not scream idol for me. I think she lacks big time in confidence.
  • Kris Allen - Sorry dude, never see you either.
  • and the last two, Michael Sarver and Matt Breitzke. My hard working blue collar boys from the South. Cute little oil rig boy kept saying , 'yes ma'am' to Kara and Paula. His voice is just smooth. The welder dude, he's not as good. But we've got two brutes to pick from America. Pick the oil rigger.
Phew, how was that for a little 36 montage. There's a bunch of good ones. I can't wait to see the Full performances and to vote. Good thing I can text 'em in. And please please please get rid of Nathaniel and Tatianna as soon as it is humanly possible!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10

Day 4 - Hollywood

And now there's 50.

After last week's ultra drama marathon they decided to actually get to business and show the singers tonight. I mean, come on, no more drama!! So that means you Tatiana!! Can we please throw a sock down her throat,,,, but deep down in the back of my ears, when I listen to her sing, it ain't that bad. It's the obnoxious pleading and begging and, wait,,, was that red lipstick on her teeth tonight? I swear,,,

So people are emerging as favorites already.... or is that because that's only who has been on the show time after time. There are 50 people remaining and I bet I don't know 30 of them. So tomorrow we'll be narrowed down to 24,, I think. Or was it 36? What is going on with that alter-ego dude. Norman. I think he needs some meds... but then I think he's pretty good, and then I think that he really can't be serious about this thing. Who knows? Perhaps he's super duper tricky and knows more about what's going then we think he does...

I don't have too many opinions on tonight's show. I don't want to waste time getting to know people's names if they are just going to be booted off. So for now, I am still enjoying the usuals. I will begin investing some thought on the matter after tomorrow's show. It looked interesting by the way,,,, they are not telling the contestants at a hotel. It will be in a fancy shmancy mansion in Beverly Hills. Where is that Corkery girl???? We saw her in Utah, and nothing since. Not even a glimpse of a shoe. So weird....

Wednesday, February 4

Day 2 Hollywood Edition

Drama Drama DRAMA!! For a half hour we watched as three groups battled it out on who could get more camera time and more of their 5 minutes. I cannot watch anymore as that guy, Nathan?, balls and carries on about nothing pertinent in the world. I will not and now do not have to watch anymore of bikini girl's, 'had a bad case of scoliosis' and 'I was in high heels since 5 am', excuses anymore. She just couldn't sing. She even posed for the camera when they booted her off. Kara called her a bitch on the way out. Yipee!! I am majorly annoyed with the producers who spend our time on the bad ones who they already knew were getting kicked off. I'd rather spend my time investing into the lives and voices of the contestants who are actually going to make it to the 36. Am I right about this? Anyone? I wanted to see more of the talent and the group singing. Like all of the sudden the Osmond is gone.... what?? We didn't even see if he sucked or not.

I am still digging the same ones. The drama guy, Adam Lambert, with the black hair and eyeliner, way cool voice and look. I like the oil rigger, and the guy, Danny Goker, who just lost his wife. It said he was a church music teacher,,, ?,, but he can really really sing and he's so emotional with his voice. But to tell you the truth, I can't put my favorites down yet, because we really haven't even seen like 1/8 of the contestants on T.V. yet. We haven't seen any of the blind musical genius from Arizona or anymore of the girl in SLC, Corkery, who Simon just loved, why is that? Why do they waist so much airtime on the cookoo brains like the girl who kept leaving groups, with the annoying laugh? My questions may never be answered, but the producers just annoy me with what they feel America wants to watch. All in all, it will be good when we are watching Live performances, have the ability to vote, and can see every contestant on the screen. And where the producers have no control over what we see. On to next week, more of Hollywood. This is the week where they are just singing by themselves, with some musicians, and their own instrument if they can play one. This will be really good! True Talent comes out to play next week.

Tuesday, February 3

1st Day of Hollywood

Sorry for the late post. I have guests over for a week so I am not up to my usual schedule of posting after the show.

Thank goodness for this week. It is where we can see the contestant's talent really on the line and with a little more pressure. The contestants can finally see who they are up against and also those who you know are better than you. The pressure does get to a lot of people and you could tell in their demeanor on stage. I can NOT handle watching people get on stage and beg and plead and state their case in tears and whines. The boy with the pegs in his face was a little ridiculous and I had to turn my head away, I just can't watch the 'poor me' routine and the whole 'I turn to music to save me', type jibberish. "I sing because it's all I have",,,,, yeah yeah,,,, Lame! I'm not interested in that. I am interested in someone to entertain me. There was the guy with the obnoxious facials and piercing voice.. Simon said he was "self-indulgent" , I couldn't agree more. Then there's the weird guy who comes in a character and didn't even sing a song, he sang an annoying rendition of "keep me here" to all the judges, even a shout out to Seacrest who was standing in the balcony. So weird. How about the kid who leaves saying, "Ya'll suck as judges, and Simon, with how much you money you make, you need a new wardrobe."

There were some new standouts and some that were good in the first auditions that were pretty dang bad on today's show. The 16 year old black girl just blew me away. She is so cute and pretty and she just has it. Then there was the Puerto Rican guy, uh, I'm not sure about him, he's just pretty loud. Then there was the big oil worker guy who is just great! I really like him, like his appearance, think he's way different than anyone else there, keep your eye on him. David Osmond sounded better, I think he's going to be one to watch.

Lastly, the bikini girl. Can I please vomit and then shoot her in the head?!! She attempted Faith Hill's Breathe, Gag, Gag, choke her. Paula and Kara were all over it, with the same opinion as every other girl watching. Bikini girl's act of "he he he" and "tilting the head and giggling" is enough to just put me over. The worst part is that Randy and Simon still voted her through on the pretense that she would sound better with a band. Um. HELLO-OO? This was an A Capella performance, we go off the raw voice. She was so dingy and obnoxious and kissing Seacrest which was just so gimmicky. She obviously can't sing. Let's just get rid of

P.S. Barry Manilow as giving advice... I think not. And I thought it interesting they gave the contestants a little boot camp with help from voice coaches and makeup... hmmm. Did it help anyone? Tonight, it's time for more drama. Can't wait.

Sunday, February 1

She gave me the chills

Here's our girl Jennifer Hudson doing this song with such power and emotion. I loved it.