Thursday, January 28

Dallas Auditions

Well thanks to my lack of preparation, I missed the last half of American Idol because of the State of the Union Speech. I missed the whole Joe Jonas guest judge spot. I thought Neil Patrick Harris was a major D-BAG! He had attitude, and treated the show like he was interviewing for the next CEO job of a major company. He acted like he was in charge with his, "Simon, yes or no?",,, I did not DIG him at all. Why did they have him judge anyways?? But onto the talent, there were a few that I really we go.

  • Laughed out loud when the blue sequin girl with blue eye shadow came, because she truly thought she was good. She kept singing after they said, No, and it just made me laugh.
  • Then we had the next Ruben Studdard. I knew he would make it through because they filmed him and his family, etc. He was alright, didn't knock my socks off.
  • Then bluesy jazzy singer that Simon said no to, but everyone else said yes. I kinda liked her tone. She won't make it too far.
  • WHAT A JOKE! The Barney singer Dominatrix - WHY??? She didn't have a good voice, it was too high and squealy in my opinion. She can sing, but it's not powerful, and how annoying to sing an En Vogue song,, horrible song to audition with. But they sent her through,,, who knows.... I'm not a fan!
  • The tourrette's guy - well he has a nice voice,, and I may not be PC with this comment, but I think people will start to get annoyed watching him. I'm not a horrible person, I promise,, but like last year's Scott MacIntyre who was blind, he got some sympathy votes, then I think he just kinda started 'bugging' the viewer a bit. I don't know,,,
  • I liked the guy who did The color Purple with Fantasia. He sang an original little tune to show off his vocals,, I thought it was fun.
  • A blonde girl with too short of shorts got up to sing, and I was NOT expecting that out of her mouth. She was really good, and Simon cut her off right before her big chorus of Garth Brook's 'to make you feel my love'. I really liked her. Maegan.

Then I missed the rest,, I'll have to go somewhere and find them and watch... next week is Denver,,, woot woot! Man I can't wait for Hollywood week! Bring it on! I'm ready!

Wednesday, January 27

Los Angeles Auditions

Well last night we had Avril Lavigne and Katy Perry guest judging. Avril was just pointless in my opinion,, but I did finally see a performer that I know will make it to top 12. Some memorable performances:

  • First up we had a really nerdy 19 year old who was the greasiest person ever. So shiny! He was ridiculous. NEXT!
  • We had a father of 3 pastor guy who wasn't that bad. Golden ticket.
  • Next up some rocker chic who Simon says was dressed very cliche,, and I agree, but she has some potential if she can truly discover who she is. She sang Pat Benatar. Golden Ticket.
  • Then some dude who thought Adam Lambert liked his voice. It was a mess, he could barely open his mouth. It was a good moment to laugh this season.
  • Some dude doing scissor kicks on the floor, what a nut.
  • Then we have the big lead up to performance with the big back story and the crying parents, etc, so you know that they are pushing this one. His folks were in gangs in Compton, he is a success story, has a kid etc. I actually really liked his voice and overall appeal.
  • Then my fav of the night, the girl who is a personal assistant by day and minister at night. She sings a Joss Stone song and hits the high note with ease... She seems at ease with herself and in front of the cameras. She's one to watch. Tasha.
  • We had a freak posing like a girl all over the place, no thank you very much.
  • Then some kid with crazy hair and of course sad back story. Of course he's making it through since they put him last and etc etc. He sings Stand By Me,, I was not blown away, he's alright.

So just a few good ones for me tonight. They sent 22 out of 11,000 to Hollywood. Tonight we have Neil Patrick Harris and Joe Jonas... What a delight...! Ha, I wonder if any little girls are going to faint..

Oh, p.s.,,, remember that little girl bawling in the audience when Sanjaya performed,,,?? Well she auditioned in L.A. and she looks exactly the same,,,, !! I was dying. Braids and Braces and she was hysterical when she didn't make it. Gave me a chuckle.....

Thursday, January 21

Orlando Auditions

I thought Kristen Chenoweth was hi-larious in Glee this season, she is a talented little firecracker! I think Kara is really really starting to bug me... Maybe she'll be better during live TV,,,

  • The dude with the autistic kid... just alright
  • I liked the cute guy who sang the Tony Bennet song, I think he'll be one to watch
  • I didn't even watch the glittery sequin guy,,, FF
  • The girl who had half her face paralyzed, I really liked her, I don't know if she's ready for the big time though. Not a lot of confidence.
  • The beat box guy was amazing. I didn't like his voice. I am just amazed though, how people can make those sounds with their voice.
  • Then there were three really good girls, and they didn't spend much time on them.
  • The Jersey sisters,, give me a break. The one on the side looked like she was having a religious experience when her sister was singing. It was laughable...
  • And the last dude who was in jail,, reminds me of Michael Sarver a little bit (from last year) He's confident, and could be interesting to watch. But he didn't blow me away.

No one yet this season has screamed out AMERICAN IDOL, but then again, we haven't seen the talent. They've just been blasting us with the lame-o's. Onto next week in L.A. with Neil Patrick Harris guest judging. Peace!

Wednesday, January 20

Chicago Auditions

Not impressed at all. I thought Shania was cookoo. The girl who has been to Hollywood two other times, she was good. This could finally be her year. I hope she can get a break,,, let's see- who else was there.
  • Oh, the horrible fainting bouncing boobs girl. Horrible
  • That 16 year old that was blond and sang 'summertime',,, had a very good voice, just weak and not very loud
  • The Asian student who had a nice tone and quality to his voice... shania tried to compliment him, but the innuendos came flying out,,,of course
  • The asthma girl got sent through, I kinda liked her voice
Only 20 singers from 12,000 chosen from Chicago,, those are horrible odds. And we only got 5 of those tickets on the show to see. I wish they would focus more on those they send, then let's say,, the bouncing boobs girl. FAST FORWARD please!

Thursday, January 14

Atlanta Auditions

Well day 2 of American Idol,,,, Things coming to my mind were the crazy guy at the end who was arguing with THEE Mary J. Towards the end of the whole 5 minute F bomb and bleeps,,, I actually got a kick out of it. People on the street were cheering him on.
I mean come on man!
And that old dude's song about pants on the ground,,, hilarious!! I think it will be some crazy viral hit. It made me laugh.
Another thing that made me laugh was this,,,
Oh My!!! That is one classic picture of
Ryan Seacrest!
So back onto the contestants. The bridge jumper hick girl from the middle of nowhere Tennessee. If there is ever any stereotyping done on this here blog, please forgive me, I'm not here to be too politically correct...but can you say she is your typical backwoods hillbilly?? She should be interesting since she has never been on an 'aeroplane' before. We'll see how she handles the stage and stress of Hollywood.
The girl who dressed up like a guitar was annoying, majorly, and it bugged me because she could actually sing. Why do people have to try so hard?
I CAN NOT believe they put ski-bo-skii through! He's a ding bat and they will just throw him in our face for as long as possible. He's not serious about the competition, he was trying to hit on everyone,,, ug ug ug. He could sing,, but come on,,, his whole show was annoying!
The two stupid BFF's,,, again, ug. There was a cop guy who could sing, but not to sound mean or anything, his looks will not send him through.... Don't judge,, you all know it's true!
On to next week with Shania Twain and Kristin Chenoweth guest judging.

Wednesday, January 13

Boston Auditions

And so it begins,,,,

And so I hit the Fast Forward button on my little remote, oh too frequently. After watching American Idol for years now, I'm kinda getting sick of the whole 'Let's put the psycho's on T.V. for ratings' schpill. We know there are cookoo brains out there who want their 5 minutes of fame (i.e. bikini girl) and frankly, I'm just not interested. I don't even care to write much about last night's show other then to say that there were only a few who stood out for me.

  • I liked the Italian guy's personality, but I just felt he YELLED the entire song. I didn't think they were going to put him through.
  • The 16 year old girl from the big family had a great voice. She had control, especially singing a heart felt song like Hallelujah. If she was nervous, it didn't show.
  • The waiter guy with the little beanie on,,, he could have some potential.
  • The girl who sang the Alicia Keys song. She had no attitude and was excellent!
  • The other 16 year old who takes care of her Portugese Grandmother,,, man she can sing. Where are these 16 year olds coming from?? sheesh,,
  • Justin Williams made it to Hollywood last year, there's a youtube video of him singing in the group sing off with Kris Allen, Matt Giraud, the rapper girl. They sang 'I want you back'. Don't remember him, just caught it today on another site. Maybe this is his year.
  • Then there's the girl who sang "Blue Skies" who was held down in life by her over religious parents. Great control to her voice,, she lacks confidence. She may buckle in Hollywood week.

Well there you have it folks. The real fun will begin Hollywood week where we will meet Ellen as the new judge.

Did you miss Paula? meh,,, me either....I may miss her come Performance time, only because of her getting up and dancing and her bumbling ridiculous similie's and metaphor's..... Favorite still from a few years back, she was telling David Archuletta how cute he was... It was something along the lines of, "You're so cute I want to pop off your head and hang it from my rear view mirrow".... whaaaa??

Oh Paula, are you kicking yourself now???

What are you doing?

Where are you?

Monday, January 11

And the winner is,,,,,,,,,,,,KRIS ALLEN

Well here it is to all 3 of you people who actually follow this blog.... do I have more followers than that???,, well I hope so. So let's discuss, if memory allows it. Has it really been 8 months? ,, man time is flying, but I'm glad I got to look at all of these pictures again because it is just getting me more and more excited about tomorrow night's premier.,,,, seriously,, can you stand it??

Well it all came down to these 2 dudes. Thousands and thousands of hopefuls and it winds down to a Glam rocker and guitar totin' mellow guy. We all know how it ends up and you should have seen the shock on my face.
I was sooooo mad. And to think cutesy little smug Ryan Secrest knew the entire night,,, what a putz. It was the shocker of the century..Now the reason Kris won I blame solely on this yellow piece of state on this map. Yep,, you heard me right. It was all stupid Arkansas's fault. It was said that 33% of Kris's votes came from Arkansas alone and I blame this on the fact that there is absolutely nothing to do in Arkansas.
Well onto the show. The artists who perform at the finale each year say that this show is even better than the Grammy's and man I believe 'em. The Black Eyed Peas performed the sensational Boom boom pow which was the mega hit of the year...
Then our cute little Allison Iraheta sang "Time after time" with a mummy.... er,, I mean Cindy Lauper. (What in the hell is she wearing?)
The classic moments of each finale show is to bring back the fools who made a scene during auditions, drama, what have you. So of course we had to have Norman Gentle come back.... so,, has anyone heard anything from him over the last 8 months?? I didn't think so.
Who could forget Tatiana? I mean really, the hyper ventilating was a little much, the over the top dramatic crap when she was begging for a place on the show??,, a little too much, and that dress??
We had Kris Allen rockin' with the Aussie,,, I didn't know Kris was country? oh that's right,, he's not.
Best cheesy moment ever,, Lionel Ritchie and Danny Gokey... Did they sing "Dancin' on the Ceilin?" man I can't remember, but that would have been the frosting on the cupcake.... something about Lionel,,,just ain't right..
Santana came out to play his 1999 hit... with the rest of the top 13. we got to see some contestants who were kicked off like 3 months prior,,, do we even remember the puerto Rican guys name,,,I still think the cute little blonde thing Alexis Grace was robbed, she was gone too soon.
We got us some Anoop ya'll along with Mr. MRAZ... fun performance.
Who can forget Adam and Kris singing along with Queen,,, somehow or other it just didn't fit Kris,,, like,,, - at ALL. Oh Paula,,, How I'll miss you,,, and look at Simon's block head,,, really it is..
Lil Rounds definitely looks LIL next to the Queen. That was an interesting outfit for sure.
This Adam Lambert KISS number was one in a million. Adam's boots, shoulder cage contraption thingy's, and the fireworks, the vocals, and the makeup... it was really so over the top and I LOVED IT!
Then we had the sweetsy little Megan Joy and ,, is that,, - Steve Martin?? Isn't he just a little too , I don't know,, above American Idol?? He is very talented on the old banjo, I see him on David Letterman every once in awhile... this was a cute little song along with the oil rig guy singing too.
And then we had the Last Number with all the cool kids of the Season. This was a really good season and to think it was Paula's last.....

Sunday, January 10

With American Idol 2010 premiering in just about 2 days, I thought I'd better get my butt in gear and write about the finale that happened about 6 months ago,,, look for that coming soon,, it will take me a day or two to remember who won!